How to groom a Maltese

How to Groom a Maltese

Maltese are dog breeds that are somewhat a bit difficult to take care of especially if you are clueless on the grooming tasks. However, once you are conversant with these tasks and have the right tools, it becomes relatively easy. On this blog, I will cover the tools needed, tasks to be performed, and a regular schedule that will lift the weight off your shoulder.

Some of the tools required for grooming a Maltese include:

  • Oster grooming comb with a handle- Used for removing dead coat and tangles
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Thornit Powder
  • Metallic forceps
  • Scissors
  • Nail clippers
  • Cotton wool buds
  • Canine wipes

Common tasks performed on a Maltese

Before we dive in to further details, let’s take a look into some of the tasks that you’ll need to perform on a regular basis.

Brushing: The length of your dog’s coat will determine how frequently you brush your dog. This can range from every day to every three days.

Spritzing: Spritzing is done alongside brushing as well.

Combing: Combing is mainly done on the face. For those Maltese with medium to long coats, it is done alongside brushing.

Baths: It is recommended to give your Maltese a bath once every three weeks. However, there are some instances that’ll require for more frequent baths.

Grooming schedule

Eye wipes, Facial wipes

The eyes and face should be wiped 2 to 3 times per day.

Teeth cleaning

The teeth should be cleaned on a daily basis.


This should be done every 5 to 6 weeks.

Ear cleaning

The ears should be cleaned every 4 weeks.

Eye Wipes, Facial Wipes

Maltese are generally white dogs, which means they can easily get stained. Regular face wipes can prevent decolorization especially on the hairs around the mouth. The best time to do this is after meals which is two to three times per day. Furthermore, the area around the eyes might form a pink color which is commonly referred to as tear stains.


For this task, you’ll need quality canine wipes. It’s a good brand that proves to be effective and gentle on your pet. Use it to wipe the entire face of your Maltese after every meal which is two to three times a day. However, tear stains tend to be problematic. As such, you should take things a little further by using the canine wipes in conjunction with a removed product. I’d prefer eye envy tear stain remover which works perfectly with Maltese dogs.

Body Grooming Wipes

It is essential to put your Maltese through a regular grooming session. Not only does it keep your Maltese clean but it also enhances the bond between you and your pet. Regular grooming wipes makes your pet easier to handle since there will be minimal resistance on his/her part. Definitely there is no fun in grooming a nervous pet since they’ll be sitting down over and over again. Furthermore, regular grooming wipes is important for the following reasons:

  • Eliminates bad odors keeping your dog fresh and clean.
  • Removes allergens and pollen for allergic dogs.
  • Removes urine splashes and feces that are visible on the white coat.
  • Swipes away particle debris that stains the white coat.

Matts and Tangles

Matts and tangles may form in just a few days especially if your pet has a long coat. If left unattended, matts can be difficult to remove. Furthermore, it can cause pain and damage to your pet’s coat since the torn hair will rarely grow back. To maintain a smooth and lean coat, you should comb and brush your Maltese on a regular. This can be done before baths.


However, if matts do form, you can soak the patches with a conditioning lotion and carefully pluck the knots apart using your fingers. You need to carefully reach all parts of the body to reduce the chances of damage caused by the matts and tangles. In addition, you can use a metal comb specifically meant for matt prevention to comb through the layers of coat in an upward direction from the belly. Then you can go further by combing the tail from the tip to the tail. The most effective way to do this is by combing from the tips of hair down to the body.

Poor combing techniques may result to loss of the covering coat making your Maltese look like a plucked chicken, you really wouldn’t want this.

Teeth cleaning

Set aside 3 to 5 minutes of your day to clean your pet’s teeth, since chewing on toys is largely ineffective and could cause bad breath or teeth loss.  Moreover, lack of proper tooth hygiene can cause the formation of brown deposits at the base of their teeth, also known as “tartar”. Over long periods, the tartar can become resistant which can only be removed by a vet. Brushing of the teeth can be done by the use of a canine toothpaste and a toothbrush.

Care of the Nails

Basically, the nails should be trimmed every 5 or 6 weeks. However, this may vary depending on the click-clack sound of the nails on a hard surface. Some dog owners prefer hiring a vet or a groomer to perform this task. It can cost about 10 to 15 dollars but if you wish to do it on your own, you can get a nail clipper or a filer. I would prefer an electronic nail filer since its faster and more convenient for dogs.

For clippers, you should never clip from the front, but rather from the underside towards the pad. This maintains a balanced level with the paw’s outline. In addition, clipping darker nails require a more careful approach since rushing into it could cause bleeding.

Ear cleaning

Lack of proper ear cleaning could cause inflammation to your pet. As such, you should ensure the hair growing inside the ears are plucked under regular intervals. This helps to reduce the clogging of wax on your pet’s ears. You should avoid using cotton swabs since they can push the dirt deeper down the auditory canal. I would recommend using liquid ear cleaning solutions that are available in various pet stores or vets. They can be applied by adding a few drops into the ear then carefully massaging the ear to loosen the deposits of dirt and ear wax.

After completing this task, you can use cotton wool to wipe the outer part of the ear. In addition, once you notice your Maltese shaking and scratching their ears from time to time, it would be advisable to give your vet a visit.


Last but not least, bathing your Maltese is very essential, especially when they are extremely dirty or in readiness for a show. However, bathing on the regular could cause problems such as removal of natural oils which causes dryness. During a bath, you should find a convenient spot that has a non-slip surface. Furthermore, you should have the needed items within reach, to avoid leaving your pet unattended.

Begin by wetting the coat with a shower spray, jug or a hose. Use a shampoo that is specifically meant for dogs. Gently massage the shampoo throughout the skin leaving the face and the eyes. Rinse your Maltese thoroughly and ensure no residue is left since this could cause itching and drying of the skin. After proper rinsing, use a towel to absorb the moisture.

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